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Company Successfully Maintains Full Charge in Hangzhou G20
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On September 4 to 5, the eye-catching G20 Summit was held in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. In order to ensure the power can be supplied successfully during the summit, Hangzhou power supply company assigned the task of maintaining full charge to different factories involved.

DFE has various automatic systems including DF8003E and DF8002 in Hangzhou. DFE responded proactively to the task and sent people to maintain full charge. Three elite technical employees were sent to Hangzhou department, Xiaoshan department and Hangzhou department new building respectively.

G20 Summit full charge maintenance  lasted between August 28 and the evening of September 6. During this period, three employees stuck to their posts diligently to complete the daily inspection of computer labs, systematic inspection and fault handling. They worked until 10pm at night every day. What is more, during the 2 days when the Summit was held, they worked until midnight. They ensured the systems of our company were safe, stable and reliable to operate with the prudent and pragmatic attitude. Their success in full charge maintenance during the Summit was praised unanimously by users.

In the previous years, in a critical moment such as Olympics in 2008, China's 60th Anniversary Chinese Military Celebration at Tian’an Square in 2009, 2010 Asian Games in Guangzhou, Shanghai World Expo and Shenzhen Summer Universiade in 2011, DFE always maintained full charge proactively with rich experience, skillful technology and quality products to complete the tasks of customers.

The meticulous work and diligence every time wins DFE the award of “full charge maintenance expert”. We will make our customers relieved. 

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