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Touching Power Figures and Teams
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As the only co-organizer, we participated in the selection and award ceremony of "Touching Power Figures and Teams" to cheer for the dedication of the power industry and contribute to the healthy development of the power reform.

洪雅县| 阜阳市| 海淀区| 宁陕县| 榆中县| 永康市| 南康市| 汝阳县| 峨边| 镇安县| 平顺县| 江都市| 香格里拉县| 武定县| 河北省| 贺兰县| 同德县| 海宁市| 淮北市| 新津县| 屏山县| 柳江县| 青铜峡市| 辛集市| 恩平市| 大英县| 台南市| 乐陵市| 德钦县| 水富县| 新乐市| 股票| 永州市| 汤原县| 双峰县| 涿州市| 新余市| 三亚市| 盖州市| 辽源市| 清苑县|